Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Corinthian Church

The Corinthian was founded by Paul at Corinth. At that time Corinth was a great cosmopolitan Greek city. The capital of the Roman province of Achaia. It was noted for it's thriving commerce, proud culture, widespread immortality and variety of religion.
 I am bringing up the Corinthian church because they are a church which have Apostle Paul a lot of problems to deal with.
There was this division between who was for Paul and for peter, you could find a lot of immoral behavior in the Corinthian church, specifically "Fornication " which Paul termed as "sin you won't commonly hear among the heathen" taking it's place in the church of God.
A man took his father's wife, what worst abominable thing you would hear in the time of the apostles. The Corinthian didn't deem it fit to get such a person excommunicated, rather they left him.
In Paul's second letter to the Corinthians which was written during a difficult relations with the church at Corinth. Some of the members of the church has evidently made strong attacks against paul, few people in the church had set up themselves as true apostles while accusing Paul of being a fake one, but he showed his deep longing for reconciliation.
Do you see, things you see inside the church shouldn't shock you, rather you should pray and admonish the church. Things didn't start happening today, because there's nothing new under the sun.
It was obvious that the church wasn't in the faith, and every individual makes up the church that was why Paul told them to "examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith, prove yourselves, know he not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprivates.
Look into your lives examine it, you know yourself more than anyone does, whether you still have the LOVE OfGod in you. And do the first work.
And you'll see that if all of us do same, The church would be the best place for everyone to be.
In the next post am gonna discuss some of the issues Apostle Paul dealt with in the Corinthian church .
♦immortality in the church 
♦lawsuit against fellow believers 
♦covering the head in church 
♦spiritual Gifts 
Orderly worship.
But I'm going to start with the Covering of the head.

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