Saturday, May 23, 2020

A Time is Coming when there'll be no need for social distancing.
A Time is Coming when there'll be no need for the face mask.
A Time is Coming when we wouldn't need to wash our hands every minute 
A Time is Coming when we don't need to carry the sanitizer in our pocket 
Everything will come back to normal, you'll be able to go to church and hold jam packed services. You'll be able to go to the club during the weekend, you'll be able to hold your ceremonies, you'll be able to go to school, you'll be able to fly abroad.
The pandemic will end, everybody will be happy again, But to the wise I say, "start the new life with trembling and fear, for the whole world will slowly plunge back into deeper darkness.
Then something more than a pandemic will hit the earth, the whole world will tremble, seeking for peace and change.


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